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Welcome to The VTO Report

This Web site was created to give you an opportunity to witness real stock portfolios in action.  You will be able to see every trade I make in two of my accounts.  Hopefully, you will become a successful trader or investor by monitoring my investment decisions.   However, I urge you NOT to "mirror" my trades.
Using the navigation bar on the top of each page, you will be able to see my stock trades, current holdings, closed positions for the year, and account balances.  You will also be able view the stocks I find interesting and my outlook on the stock market.
There are many Web sites that try to teach investors how to make money in the stock market.  My site differs from them in three ways.
First, I have no intention of making money from this Web site.  There are no ads.  There are no membership fees.  To maintain the integrity of this site, I feel it should be a free service.
Second, I do not provide any research tools.  You won't find searchable databases or stock charts here.  I find it more interesting to follow real portfolios than forage through enormous amounts of data.  This is not to say you shouldn't do your own homework.  I encourage everyone to do their own research before investing.
Third, my site is simple and concise.  You won't find mountains of unnecessary links or long, tiresome commentaries.  I want people to be able to access my information quickly and easily.  This will give you more time to research stocks at other investment Web sites.

Thank you for visiting The VTO Report